From Surviving to Thriving
Conference a Success – Materials Online

Conference Sets Stage for ProgressOn October 14, 2013, Monarch Housing held the From Surviving to Thriving: Improving Your Impact and Ending Homelessness in a Time of Limited Resources Conference at The Conference Center at Mercer.

Conference participants focused on finding effective ways of ending homelessness at the local level through the implementation of key planning and service elements.

The presentation materials are now online for each workshop:

Plenary Session – Advocacy and System Change: With the will to invest in the homeless system shrinking, how can we expand the resources supporting community efforts to end homelessness?

Governance: What is the value of managing your homeless services from a system perspective versus a programmatic perspective?

Resource Realignment: How do we end homelessness with no new money coming into the system?

Coordinated Assessment: If we are truly functioning as a coordinated system, how do we streamline the system intake/entry process?

CoC Mergers: What is the point of merging with another CoC? If CoCs merge, what does that mean for the service area of their programs?

Strategic Planning: Who should be engaged in the homeless planning process? How do we attract new partners in the planning process?

Evaluating Your System/Determining Need: “Data equals dollars”! “Data saves lives”! How do we move towards data driven planning? How do we develop an inclusive and comprehensive system evaluation process?

The following documents from the conference are also available.

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